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《雞鳴 - Ji Ming》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《雞鳴》 Library Resources
1 雞鳴:
Ji Ming:
' The cock has crowed;
The court is full. '
But it was not the cock that was crowing; -
It was the sound of the blue flies.

2 雞鳴:
Ji Ming:
' The east is bright;
The court is crowded. '
But it was not the east that was bright; -
It was the light of the moon coming forth.

3 雞鳴:
Ji Ming:
' The insects are flying in buzzing crowds;
It would be sweet to lie by you and dream. '
But the assembled officers will be going home; -
Let them not hate both me and you. '

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/ji-ming