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Chinese Text Project
Simplified Chinese version


Semantic variant

Radical:+ 11 strokes = 14 strokes total.
References:Kangxi: p.646#20 Hanyu: v3,p1717#02
Mandarin:hàn qià ㄏㄢˋ ㄑㄧㄚˋ ㄩˋ
Cantonese:hon3 wik6
Unihan definition:(same as ) name of a dynasty, belonging to China, the Milky Way the Han River, (interchangeable ) a frontier; a boundary; a region; a country, to live; to stay

Example usage

御定渊鉴类函》: 四维 八听:罗泌《路史》曰:激瘴雾于东维,界黑水于南极,泄流沙于西陲,决弱水于北,所以界四维也。
御选历代诗馀》:前调            奚 澄空无际一幅轻绡素秋弄色翦翦天...
说文解字注(附:六书音均表)》:...lity="5" />古文汉如此按古文从...
御选历代诗馀》:前调            奚 澄空无际一幅轻绡素秋弄色翦翦天...
别号录·卷一》:东 刘岳公泰    元 青 魏鉴太初  元秋 方岳巨山        奚倬然
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