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Chinese Text Project


Seal script

Semantic variant

Semantic variant
Simplified character
Semantic variant

Radical:+ 18 strokes = 24 strokes total.
References:Guangyun: p.222#35 Kangxi: p.1103#33 Cihai: p.1201r6c02 GSR: 660.i Hanyu: v4,p2908#11
Composition:Top: , bottom: . Component of: 𨽳 𧖛 𥸢
Mandarin:cán ㄘㄢˊ
Tang reconstruction:*dzhom
Fanqie:昨含 (《廣韻·下平聲··》)
Unihan definition:silkworms

CTP Dictionary

cán ㄘㄢˊ : 蠶(蟲名);養蠶。 Silkworm; to raise silkworms.

His wife keeps silkworms, and unwinds their cocoons, to make the garments for sacrifice.
The Qi and Yellow rivers formed the boundaries of Yanzhou. The nine branches of the Yellow river followed their courses, and Lei Xia was a marsh, in which the Yong and Ju streams were united. The mulberry region was supplied with silkworms, and then the people came down from the heights and occupied it.
The people of Cheng said, 'The silkworm spins its cocoons, but the crab supplies the box for them; the bee has its cap, but the cicada supplies the strings for it. His elder brother died, but it was Zi-gao who made the mourning for him.'
In the silkworm month they strip the mulberry branches of their leaves, And take their axes and hatchets, To lop off those that are distant and high; Only stripping the young trees of their leaves.
The mulberry grounds were made fit for silkworms, and then (the people) came down from the heights, and occupied the grounds (below).

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