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Discussion -> Chinese Text Project -> Data wiki: person entity

2022-09-23 04:23:38Data wiki: person entity
Posted by: liuyaoGlad to see ctext is moving to a markup platform (+ relational database, + more).

Over the last couple of years, I've come to the conviction that Chinese names should be treated as a multi-part identifier (more than just the xing + ming). I believe the full form should be displayed across the top of the "person entity" page, as well as the snippet view:

(imperial or noble) title, [natal place] xing + ming (zi + hao, or other identifier)

Examples suffice to explain:
〔漢〕世宗孝武皇帝 劉徹
忠武侯【琅邪陽都】諸葛亮 (孔明)
〔梁〕高祖武皇帝【南蘭陵】蕭衍 (叔達)
昌縣隱侯【吳興武康】沈約 (休文)
【京兆杜陵】 杜甫 (子美)
溫國文正公【陝州夏縣】司馬光 (君實)
文忠公【眉州眉山】蘇軾 (子瞻 東坡)
【南直隸太倉】 王世貞 (元美 鳳洲)
文簡公 【山東新城】 王士禛 (貽上 漁洋)
〔清〕世宗憲皇帝 【愛新覺羅】 胤禛(四)
〔清〕成哲親王 【愛新覺羅】 永瑆(十一)
文襄公 【直隸南皮】 張之洞 (孝達 香濤)

One might wish to display the xing+ming in bigger font size. I'm not so certain that the "natal place" should be shortened or not: Tang and before, just the jun (of junwang), and Song and after, the county (of jiguan). It's not so clear cut in some cases; as a site primarily for texts, one could look for what the author used to identify themselves (the late standard: the county, xing+ming, hao) on the first page.

It's curiously to note that such a habit of identifying the natal place was applied to European authors too, e.g. 【泰西】 利瑪竇 (西泰), and to this day books published in China include the author's country of origin, be it [古希腊]柏拉图 or [美]史景迁 (I wish they'd keep the tradition and identify Spence as from 英).

If you think it's a good idea, I'd be very glad to help editing the person entities.

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