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Scope: Tan Gong II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "曰寡人嘗學斷斯獄矣臣弒君凡在官者殺無赦" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

檀弓下 - Tan Gong II

Books referencing 《檀弓下》 Library Resources
201 檀弓下:
Tan Gong II:
In the time of duke Ding of Zhu-lou, there occurred the case of a man killing his father. The officers reported it; when the duke, with an appearance of dismay, left his mat and said, 'This is the crime of unworthy me!' He added, 'I have learned how to decide on such a charge. When a minister kills his ruler, all who are in office with him should kill him without mercy. When a son kills his father, all who are in the house with him should kill him without mercy. The man should be killed; his house should be destroyed; the whole place should be laid under water and reduced to a swamp. And his ruler should let a month elapse before he raises a cup to his lips.'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.