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Scope: Simplicity in Funerals III Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "是以僻淫邪行之民出則無衣也入則無食也內續奚吾並為淫暴而不可勝禁也" Matched:1.
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節葬下 - Simplicity in Funerals III

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
6 節葬下:
Simplicity in Funerals III:...:
Now that it has failed to increase the population, perhaps it can yet regulate jurisdiction? Again it is powerless. For, adopting elaborate funerals and extended mourning as a principle in government, the state will become poor, the people few, and the jurisdiction disorderly. Adopting such a doctrine and practising such a principle superiors cannot give attention to administration and subordinates cannot attend to their work. When the superiors are unable to give their attention to administration there will be disorder. When the subordinates are unable to attend to their work, the supply of food and clothing will be insufficient. When there is insufficiency, the undutiful younger brother will ask his older brother for help, and when he does not receive it he will hate the elder brother. The unfilial son will turn to his father for help and when he does not receive it he will spurn his father. And the disloyal minister will turn for help to his lord and when he does not receive it he will mock his lord. And vicious and immoral people will commit evil and immorality beyond control when they are without clothing abroad and without food at home. So, bandits and thieves will be numerous but law-abiding people few. Now, to seek order by multiplying the bandits and thieves and diminishing the law-abiding people is like demanding of a person not to present his back to you after making him turn around three times. The way to order is not here found.

1. 行 : Deleted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.