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Scope: Will of Heaven II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "天子有疾病禍祟必齋戒沐浴潔為酒醴粢盛以祭祀天鬼則天能除去之然吾未知天之祈福於天子也" Matched:1.
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天志中 - Will of Heaven II

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
2 天志中:
Will of Heaven II:
People in the world would say: "That the emperor is more honourable than the feudal lords and that the feudal lords are more honourable than the ministers, we clearly see. But that Heaven is more honourable and wise than the emperor, we do not see." Mozi said: I know Heaven is more honourable and wise than the emperor for a reason: When the emperor practises virtue Heaven rewards, when the emperor does evil Heaven punishes. When there are disease and calamities the emperor will purify and bathe himself and prepare clean cakes and wine to do sacrifice and libation to Heaven and the spirits. Heaven then removes them. But I have not yet heard of Heaven invoking the emperor for blessing. So I know Heaven is more honourable and wise than the emperor. And, this is not all. We also learn of this from the book of the ancient kings which instructs us the vast and ineffable Dao of Heaven. It says: "Brilliant and perspicacious Heaven on High, who enlightens and watches over the earth below!" This shows Heaven is more honourable and wise than the emperor. But is there yet any one more honourable and wise than Heaven? Heaven is really the most honourable and wise. Therefore, righteousness surely comes from Heaven.

1. 於 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》
2. 於 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》

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