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Scope: Cao Cao Moves The Court To Xuchang; Lu Bu Leads A Night Raid Against Xuzhou Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "秦鹿逐翻興社稷楚騅推倒立封疆" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

曹孟德移駕幸許都,呂奉先乘夜襲徐郡 - Cao Cao Moves The Court To Xuchang; Lu Bu Leads A Night Raid Against Xuzhou

3 曹孟德移... :
Cao Cao Moves The...:
The year was grievous with famine. The Luoyang people, even reduced in numbers as they were to a few hundred families, had not enough to eat and they prowled about stripping the bark off trees and grubbing up the roots of plants to satisfy their starving hunger. Officers of the government of all but the highest ranks went out into the country to gather fuel. Many people were crushed by the falling walls of burned houses. At no time during the decadence of Han did misery press harder than at this period.
A poem written in pity for the sufferings of that time says:
Mortally wounded, the white serpent poured forth its life blood at Mangdang Hills;
Blood-red pennons of war waved then in every quarter,
Chieftain with chieftain strove and raided each other's borders,
Midst the turmoil and strife the Kingship even was threatened.
Wickedness stalks in a country when the King is a weakling,
Brigandage always is rife, when a dynasty's failing,
Had one a heart of iron, wholly devoid of feeling,
Yet would one surely grieve at the sight of such desolation.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.