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Scope: Zhang Fei Whips The Government Officer; He Jin Plots To Kill The Eunuchs Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "主簿陳琳曰不可" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

張翼德怒鞭督郵,何國舅謀誅宦豎 - Zhang Fei Whips The Government Officer; He Jin Plots To Kill The Eunuchs

28 張翼德怒... :
Zhang Fei Whips The...:
But Secretary Chen Lin objected, "Nay! Do not act without due consideration. The proverb says 'To cover the eyes and snatch at swallows is to fool oneself.' If in so small a matter you cannot attain your wish, what of great affairs? Now by virtue of the emperor and with the army under your hand, you are like prancing tiger and soaring dragon: You may do as you please. To use such enormous powers against the eunuchs would bring victory as easily as lighting up a furnace to burn a hair. You only need to act promptly: Use your powers and smite at once, and all the empire will be with you. But to summon forces to the capital, to gather many bold warlords into one spot, each with different schemes, is to turn our weapons against our own person, to place ourselves in the power of another. Nothing but failure can come of it, and havoc will ensue."
"The view of a mere book-worm," said He Jin with a smile.
Then one of those about He Jin suddenly clapped his hands, laughing, "Solving this issue is as easy as turning over one's hand! Why so much talk?" The speaker was Cao Cao.
Wouldst thou withdraw wicked people from thy prince's side,
Then seek counsel of the wise people of the state.
What Cao Cao said will be disclosed in later chapters.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.