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Scope: Counsels of Gao-yao Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "知人則哲能官人安民則惠" Matched:1.
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皋陶謨 - Counsels of Gao-yao

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《皋陶謨》 Library Resources
1 皋陶謨:
Counsels of Gao-yao:
Examining into antiquity, (we find that) Gao-Yao said, 'If (the sovereign) sincerely pursues the course of his virtue, the counsels (offered to him) will be intelligent, and the aids (of admonition that he receives) will be harmonious.'
Yu said, 'Yes, but explain yourself.'
Gao-Yao said, 'Oh! let him be careful about his personal cultivation, with thoughts that are far-reaching, and thus he will produce a generous kindness and nice observance of distinctions among the nine branches of his kindred. All the intelligent (also) will exert themselves in his service; and in this way from what is near he will reach to what is distant.'
Yu did homage to the excellent words, and said, 'Yes.'
Gao-Yao continued, 'Oh! it lies in knowing men, and giving repose to the people.'
Yu said, 'Alas! to attain to both these things might well be a difficulty even to the Di. When (the sovereign) knows men, he is wise, and can put every one into the office for which he is fit. When he gives repose to the people, his kindness is felt, and the black-haired race cherish him in their hearts. When he can be (thus) wise and kind, what occasion will he have for anxiety about a Huan-dou? what to be removing a lord of Miao? what to fear any one of fair words, insinuating appearance, and great artfulness?'

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