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Scope: Filial Piety in Inferior Officers Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "忠順不失以事其上然後能保其祿位而守其祭祀" Matched:1.
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士 - Filial Piety in Inferior Officers

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 士:
Filial Piety in Inferior...:
"As they serve their fathers, so they serve their mothers, and they love them equally. As they serve their fathers, so they serve their rulers, and they reverence them equally. Hence love is what is chiefly rendered to the mother, and reverence is what is chiefly rendered to the ruler, while both of these things are given to the father. Therefore when they serve their ruler with filial piety, they are loyal; when they serve their superiors with reverence, they are obedient. Not failing in this loyalty and obedience in serving those above them, they are then able to preserve their emoluments and positions, and to maintain their sacrifices. This is the filial piety of inferior officers.
It is said in the Book of Poetry: Rising early and going to sleep late, Do not disgrace those who gave you birth."

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.