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Scope: The Normal Course for Rulers and Kings Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "肩吾曰告我君人者以己出經式義度人孰敢不聽而化諸" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

應帝王 - The Normal Course for Rulers and Kings

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《應帝王》 Library Resources
2 應帝王:
The Normal Course for...:
Jian Wu went to see the mad (recluse), Jie-yu, who said to him, 'What did Ri-Zhong Shi tell you?' The reply was, 'He told me that when rulers gave forth their regulations according to their own views and enacted righteous measures, no one would venture not to obey them, and all would be transformed.' Jie-yu said, 'That is but the hypocrisy of virtue. For the right ordering of the world it would be like trying to wade through the sea and dig through the He, or employing a mosquito to carry a mountain on its back. And when a sage is governing, does he govern men's outward actions? He is (himself) correct, and so (his government) goes on; this is the simple and certain way by which he secures the success of his affairs. Think of the bird which flies high, to avoid being hurt by the dart on the string of the archer, and the little mouse which makes its hole deep under Shen-qiu to avoid the danger of being smoked or dug out; are (rulers) less knowing than these two little creatures?'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.